
Education and Training for High-Skill, High-Demand Mobility Careers

We provide education and training in advanced transportation, advanced manufacturing, information technologies and intelligent transportation systems to meet the rapidly 发展流动劳动力的需求.

At any given time, more than 1,000 students are enrolled in ATC affiliated 项目 made up of more than 60 automotive and cybersecurity technologies courses for skill-building, 入门级及以上职位.

ATC courses range from automotive technology, business intelligence, cybersecurity and data analytics to advanced manufacturing, mechatronics and more for careers involved with connected and autonomous vehicles, battery/hybrid electric vehicles and other 这些领域的专业.

We're collaborating with industry leaders and the state of Michigan to advance our national EV ecosystem by offering three new electric vehicle and semi­conductor training 项目 launching within the next year to fill emerging jobs in the industry:

  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Technician
  • 维护 & 电动汽车电池技术员
  • 半导体技术员培训

For more information and to connect with ATC faculty, fill out an inquiry form.




十大彩票网赌平台 prepares students to work in high-skill, high demand careers associated with autonomous 汽车和电池/混合动力汽车. 运用动手学习,团队合作和 an inter-disciplinary approach, 十大彩票网赌平台 provides students the knowledge and skills employers 需要在这个领域工作.


Title 收入中位数 提供工作岗位
商业及工业设计师 $79,603 370
汽车服务技术员 $45,000 608
动力总成开发技术员 $61,000 731
发动机和机器装配工 $48,000 1,443

This area of study focuses on vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure 沟通 以及“智能”城市基础设施. 这意味着我们乘坐的交通工具将会 increasingly connected to and interactive with almost everything data-driven that 围绕着他们. As a result, data analytics, cybersecurity, programming, operating systems, networking, mobile devices and EV battery development have become premium 职业发展机会.


Title 收入中位数 提供工作岗位
信息安全分析师 $97,733 385
电脑用户支援专员 $48,000 2,197
c++编程 $74,665 371
计算机网络架构师 $102,483 285

If you’re interested in building things and understanding how they work, explore the 世界先进的制造在十大彩票网赌平台. 课程机会包括机电一体化, robotics, CNC machining, additive manufacturing, traditional machining, fluid power, 电力和电子.


Title 收入中位数 提供工作岗位
机器人工程师 $99.373 788
材料工程师 $78,499 69
验证工程师 $80,460 2.086


  • 学习符合行业需求
  • 为流动性职业做好准备 & 基础设施技术
  • Talent pipeline to high-skill careers in multiple professions
  • Intelligent transportation systems—vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure 沟通
  • Advanced manufacturing—the latest machines, tools and processes, including light-weighting 材料
  • Automotive services—testing, development, maintenance and repair, including Ford F-150 铝制车身


十大彩票网赌平台 partners with a wide range of experts to stay in tune with the latest trends and 移动领域的研究. 这些组织包括:

  • University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), -- conducting a USDOT-sponsored Connected Vehicle Safety Pilot Program. 安阿伯.
  • MCity, the world’s first purpose-built proving ground for testing the performance and safety of connected and automated vehicles and technologies under controlled and realistic 条件.
  • 美国移动中心 -- a development center established to transform the way industries advance safe, 可持续、安全的移动技术. Willow Run,密歇根州伊普斯兰蒂.
  • MichAuto -- a division of the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce that supports the many business areas of the automotive industry in Michigan, including energy, IT, 供应商及更多.
  • 汽车研究中心(CAR) mission is to inform and advise, through independent research, education and dialogue, enabling a more viable and sustainable automotive ecosystem. 安阿伯.
  • 澳大工程学院
  • 价值网络 provides networking, security and community services to member organizations. 安 阿伯.


To provide a more realistic learning environment, we provide tools and resources, featuring latest manufacturing machines, tools and processes, including:

Washtenaw Community College is dedicated to advancing mobility expertise in our region, providing rigorous academic and workforce development opportunities with an advanced 网络安全实验室.


  • 13 individual automotive test benches to exploit hardware and software weaknesses
  • Simulations to monitor and manipulate automotive network activity
  • Threat maps to visualize attacks and responses in real-time

Early on, 十大彩票网赌平台 leaders recognized the automotive industry’s move to battery electric vehicles as well as our need to educate the workforce necessary to support them. 目前, we are focusing on training product development and customer service professionals, 这两个行业的高需求职业.

为此,十大彩票网赌平台收购了一辆福特野马Mach-E. 这是一辆电动汽车 provides hands-on learning for 十大彩票网赌平台 students in our Transportation Technology and 网络安全 项目.

Instructors and students also use the vehicle to explore its battery charging characteristics, object detection and ADAS sensors, cybersecurity characteristics and much more.
